10 Human Foods That Are Safe for Cats to Eat

10 Human Foods That Are Safe for Cats to Eat

Cats are curious pets who are drawn to human food. It’s difficult not to treat them with tasty food when they want a bite. However, some human foods can be harmful to cats. They also have different nutritional needs than humans. So, pet parents must know which human foods are safe for cats and which to avoid. Here are some tasty human foods for cats and the best-wet cat food brands for your pet friend. Best human foods for cats Fish Salmon, mackerel, and other fish are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. They make for excellent cat treats and food. These oily fish are good for your furry friend’s brain, joints, and eyesight. Cats can eat some raw foods, but salmon and other fish should be thoroughly cooked before serving. Also, chop them into small pieces to avoid choking. Spinach Spinach contains many vitamins and minerals like A, C, and K, as well as iron and calcium. Spinach is used in various cat foods due to its multiple health benefits. It is a well-liked, nutritious cat treat option, but it is best not to give it to cats with kidney or urinary problems. Whole grains Whole or unrefined grains are an excellent source of nutrition for cats.
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10 common human foods that are unsafe for dogs

10 common human foods that are unsafe for dogs

Dogs have different digestive systems compared to human beings. This is why the foods that are palatable and healthy for people do not necessarily translate into good meals for their pet dogs. In fact, there are specific human foods that are downright dangerous for furry companions. In many worst-case scenarios, feeding a pet dog certain human foods can be life-threatening too. Considering this, here are some human foods that are harmful to dogs: Cherries Snacking on cherries is a favorite pastime for many people. In fact, one can always find a bowl full of fresh and delicious cherries on dining tables everywhere. Unfortunately, cherries are deeply toxic to dogs. The stems, pits, and leaves of cherries contain a deadly chemical known as cyanide. This toxin is known to kill tissues in the body. Apart from the stem, pits, and leaves, even the fleshy part of cherries can get stuck in the dog’s throat and cause them to choke. All these aspects make cherries one of the most common human foods harmful to dogs. Mushrooms Mushrooms are rich in nutrients and taste, which makes them an automatic component for most health-conscious individuals’ daily meals. However, like cherries, mushrooms also possess potentially fatal elements for dogs.
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11 human foods that are unhealthy for cats

11 human foods that are unhealthy for cats

As a cat parent, you want to do everything possible to keep the feline active and happy, including brushing their fur regularly, traveling with them for vacation, and ensuring they get the best healthcare services. Another thing you must do for your cats is to provide them with the necessary nutrition, even if you feed them home-cooked meals. However, not all human foods are safe for cats. So here are some foods that you should avoid. Raw eggs Eggs contain a load of health benefits for both humans and cats as long as they are cooked. Failing to do so could lead to salmonella or E.coli poisoning in your pet. While the symptoms of the illness may differ from one individual to another, a few common ones include lethargy, vomiting, and lethargy. The same diseases may also spread to humans who consume the food raw. Raw eggs may also contain a harmful enzyme that may damage the skin and coat of your pet cat. Therefore, ensure that you cook the eggs properly before serving. Chocolate While humans always enjoy chocolate in moderation, it is one of the worst foods for cats. Besides being loaded with sugars, most chocolates contain methylxanthines (theobromine and caffeine), which could trigger symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting, muscle tremors, abnormal heart rhythms, abdominal discomfort, and seizures.
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9 toxic foods one should not feed their pets

9 toxic foods one should not feed their pets

As much as pets whine for a morsel off our plates, people should refrain from feeding their pets human food. There is a reason why specifically-manufactured pet food exists: the human digestive system is vastly different from a pet’s; what is edible and delicious for somebody can be toxic and downright deadly for their pets. Such foods can lead to long-term illnesses too. Thus, here are some of the toxic foods to avoid for pets: Pork chops Foods that are heavy in fats and contain meat trimmings and bones should never be given to pets. Unfortunately, pork chops contain both, making them one of the worst foods to feed pets. Dogs are especially vulnerable to the severe effects of being fed pork chops. In its cooked and uncooked forms, this food tends to cause pancreatitis in dogs. Additionally, it is also a choking hazard, which can be life-threatening. What’s more, pork chops have also been found to cause lacerations and digestive tract obstructions in dogs. In fact, pork chops cause health problems in other animals too. The fatty elements of pork chops cause vomiting and diarrhea in animals, especially dogs. Therefore, one must avoid feeding chicken, pork, turkey, rib bones, burgers, hot dogs, steak, and fried chicken to one’s pets.
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7 kitchen ingredients to effectively fight fleas on dogs

7 kitchen ingredients to effectively fight fleas on dogs

Fleas are tiny, blood-sucking parasites that can have a significant impact on dogs’ well-being when they get transmitted to them. These insects can cause constant discomfort and even health problems in dogs, which can worsen if left untreated. While several treatments are available to fight fleas on dogs, some common kitchen ingredients can also effectively combat them. Here are some ways fleas infest pets and effective kitchen ingredients that can help with the problem. How do fleas infest dogs? Dogs can become flea-infested in a variety of ways. Here are some of them given below: Contact with infested animals Close proximity with other infested dogs, cats, or wildlife can allow fleas to jump from one host to another. Apart from that, visitors to the home may also lead to a flea infestation since the insects can hitch a ride on clothing or personal belongings of humans. Infested environments Fleas can be present in environments where infested animals have been. This can be indoors, like bedding, carpets, or furniture at poorly kept dog care centers, or outdoors, such as yards, parks, public spaces, or other travel places. So, dogs can pick up fleas from the ground, grass, or other surfaces. Kitchen remedies to fight fleas on dogs There are several kitchen ingredients that can help one fight fleas on one’s dog.
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9 ways to relieve and prevent flea and tick infestations in dogs

9 ways to relieve and prevent flea and tick infestations in dogs

Fleas and ticks are common parasites that affect pets. Fleas tend to move around on their body, while ticks stick to one location. The most common hiding spots include behind the ears, under the collar or front legs, near the elbows, between the paw pads or toes, and at the base of the tail. This article lists a few simple yet helpful ways to treat and prevent fleas and ticks in pets. Tweeze them out Since ticks are larger and often slower than fleas, they are easier to remove. To get rid of a tick, first part the fur around it to gain a clear view of the area. Then, using fingers or a pair of tweezers, grab the tick at the point where it is closest to the dog’s skin. Now, pull it out gently with a steady, firm, upward pressure. Once removed, do not release the tick back into nature. Instead, place it in a container or plastic bag and contact a veterinarian. After the process, clean the dog’s wound to reduce the risk of infection. Use a flea comb Fleas are smaller and tend to keep moving within the fur, making it more challenging to get rid of them.
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6 home remedies to prevent flea and tick infestation

6 home remedies to prevent flea and tick infestation

Pet owners often take preventative measures to protect their furry friends from fleas and ticks. These measures can be obtained from a veterinarian, but despite taking precautions, an infestation is inevitable. Dogs, in particular, love to spend time outdoors, rolling around on grass or running through shrubs, so they are likely to pick up pests. When this happens, it is essential to take quick action to prevent any health issues. Here are a few home remedies that can help prevent flea and tick infestations. Essential oils These are cold-pressed or distilled natural oils that are highly concentrated. Essential oils, when diluted with a carrier oil, can be used as pre-bath rinse or as sprays to deter fleas and ticks from pets. They can also be added to a pet’s shampoo or brushed into the coat.  However, not all essential oils are safe for use on cats and dogs, especially if they are pregnant. Additionally, there are a few types of oils that may be safe for dogs but not for cats. Therefore, it is important to consult a veterinarian before using such oils on pets. This will help to determine which oils are non-toxic and the safest ways to use them.
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9 benefits of getting dogs a good bed

9 benefits of getting dogs a good bed

Being a pet parent is one of the most beautiful things one can experience during their lifetime. However, parenting a dog requires paying close attention to their healthcare needs, such as the type of food they eat and daily physical routines. However, most people miss out on a crucial element: a bed for their pets. So, for those wondering if a bed could be useful, here are five benefits to keep in mind. Protects the joints Sleeping on a hard surface is usually challenging for human beings. So, one can only imagine what it could do to pets who always sleep on the ground. One’s dog might find it equally tough to get back off the floor after lying on it and may also experience body pain once they are on their fours. Some beds contain interlocking fill materials to ensure that it is soft and supportive for the dog’s body. The bed also keeps pain at a minimum for older dogs with arthritis, So to avoid the pain in these joints and other complications, one ought to get their pet a bed to sleep in. Contribute to their well-being Sleeping on a hard surface may lead to uncomfortable sleeping positions or uneven surfaces.
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8 essential tips for successfully toilet training cats

8 essential tips for successfully toilet training cats

Cats are self-independent and relatively low-maintenance pets. Cats dig up a hole in the litter box and do their business. But cleaning an overflowing litter box and even the stink may be a hassle. Now imagine if one’s pet cat could politely use the toilet for excretion, and one simply had to flush later. Not only is this an ideal post-cleaning situation, but it’s also straightforward to train these feline friends. Tips to toilet train a cat Toilet training a cat is more elaborate than training other pets, like dogs. This is because cats, by nature, are hyper-independent. It may take patience, consistency, and understanding of the cat’s behavior and preferences to succeed. But by following these steps, one may find it relatively easy to toilet train the cat. Use only one bathroom for training While one may have multiple options, keeping only one designated area in the house where the feline can defecate is important. Just as the cat associates the litter box with elimination, it must learn to associate the toilet with the same purpose. To ensure convenience, one can choose the bathroom that’s the most easily accessible to the feline. Get the right litter box Litter box plays an essential role in toilet training cats.
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6 human foods that cats can enjoy

6 human foods that cats can enjoy

Certain foods that are healthy for us may be beneficial for your cat. As a responsible cat parent, it is essential to be aware of the foods and their sources before slipping a morsel from your plate into your pet’s bowl. Ingestion of toxic foods can adversely affect the cat’s digestive system. Hence, it is advised to consult a vet for recommendations. Here is a list of human foods that are perfectly safe for cats: Meat Cats are carnivores by nature. Most of the commercial cat food in the market contains different meats, an excellent protein source. So, feeding them bits of cooked meats like beef, turkey, or chicken from your lunch plate is entirely alright. Make sure you limit the quantity of the meats. Overeating may cause digestive issues in cats. Salmon Cats love fish, and most vets recommend feeding them fish-based foods. They are a good source of omega-3 and other nutrients. Oily fish like tuna, salmon, or mackerel prove beneficial for their eyesight and joints. However, do not feed your feline straight from the can as they might lick it too aggressively, leading to cuts and bruises on their tongues. It’s best to feed them cooked fish without bones.
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